An open source server to monitor your web applications and all other HTTP, TCP, UDP, ICMP and gRPC services.

Visual Frontend
Receive notifications from many 3rd party platforms anytime one of your services becomes offline.
Custom Styling
Match your status page with your own color scheme using Sass.
Service Groups
Group your services into specific categories
Simple UI
Receive notifications from many 3rd party platforms anytime one of your services becomes offline.

Monitor your web services with ease.


Statping-ng has multiple notifiers so you can know when a service becomes offline as soon as it happens. We have already implemented Slack, Discord, Telegram, Emailing (SMTP), and many others.
Mobile Alerts

Open Source

Statping-ng will always remain open-source so we can all expand this awesome application to meet everyones needs. You can host your own Statping instance for free using Docker or just download the pre-built executable for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

License GitHub Release GitHub forks

Built from Greatness

Forked from the original statping, our codebase is tried and tested:

GitHub stars GitHub forks Docker Pulls

Our Stats

GitHub stars

Docker Pulls

Statping GitHub issues

Get alerts when a service is offline

Let Statping monitor your HTTP, TCP, UDP and gRPC services with an awesome status page
Custom Design
With SASS you can give your status page a custom design that fits your current website's branding.
CLI Tool
With SASS you can give your status page a custom design that fits your current website's branding.